Ashley Clark
"Mattila’s masterstroke is not to force comparisons. Instead he opens up space for the viewer to draw their own connections. Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry, while enjoyable, never dug particularly deep into the core sociopolitical issues underpinning Chinese contemporary art; thankfully, Chimeras fills in the yawning gaps."
Duccia Ricciardelli
"La regia di stile nord europeo di Mattila si sposa perfettamente alle ambientazioni sospese degli ambienti metropolitani cinesi.Chimeras" è cinema documentario puro con influenze visive che vanno da Kaurismaki a Jarmusch per passare ad atmosfere “alla Tokyo – Ga” di Wenders."
(The directorial style of north European Mattila , the perfect answer to the lingering expectations of Chinese metropolitan environments...Chimeras " is pure documentary film with visual influences ranging from Kaurismaki to Jarmusch with nod to the atmosphere "at Tokyo - Ga " Wenders)
"Subtle and thought provoking.... fascinating glimpse of contemporary Chinese artistic culture, and an extremely absorbing watch."